Welcome to our marketing blog
Knowledge is power – and we want to share this power with you. Our marketing blog is a treasure trove of experiences, insights and insider tips about TikTok, social media and online marketing. Here you’ll find the latest trends, practical advice and creative approaches to help us make brands successful. Whether you’re looking for new ideas, want to optimize your marketing strategy or just need inspiration, our blog is the place to go. Dive into our world regularly and discover how you too can make your brand even more successful!
current blog posts
Subtitles on social media
In today's digital world, people's attention spans are shorter than ever. Content needs to be fast, accessible and understandable to captivate the audience. This is where subtitles (or “captions”) come into play. They are not just a nice extra, but an essential tool to increase the reach and effectiveness of social media posts.
Social Media Trends 2024
Das Jahr 2024 ist in vollem Gange, und die Social-Media-Landschaft entwickelt sich in rasantem Tempo weiter. Für Unternehmen ist es entscheidend, die neuesten Trends zu kennen und ihre Strategien entsprechend anzupassen, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.
Social Media Reportings
In the fast-moving world of online marketing and especially in the area of social media, it is a challenge to keep track of the measures implemented and their success. In order to offer our customers the best possible service, we carry out recurring reporting.
Accessibility Reinforcement Act
Das Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Barrierefreiheit, kurz BFSG, wurde eingeführt, um die digitale Barrierefreiheit systematisch zu verbessern.
DIGITAL STARTER is now DIGITAL.PLUS - the funding for your next digitalisation project. More detailed information will be available from FEBRUARY.
With the DIGITAL STARTER 24 funding program, the WKOÖ and the state of Upper Austria support local companies (SMEs) in their digital projects with funding. We are happy to help you with the conception and implementation of your digital projects. From the creation of your website to online marketing campaigns and numerous other digital projects.
Artificial intelligence
According to a recent Statista survey from January 2024, almost 90% of German marketing managers see a high demand for the use of AI tools in marketing. Surprisingly, however, 80% of respondents have not yet had any experience with AI in marketing. This underlines the urgency of integrating AI technologies into marketing strategies.