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Threads offers users a new platform for real-time conversations and discussions, similar to X (formerly Twitter), but with a fresh, positive approach. In this blog post, we take a closer look at Threads, why it could be relevant for businesses

Instagram has made a significant change with the introduction of Teen Accounts, reshaping the way teens interact on the platform. This innovation brings both opportunities and challenges for companies that want to address their target groups on Instagram.

How do you use hashtags correctly to maximize reach, and which ones are really effective? How many should you use? In this guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about hashtags on social media to improve your presence.

More and more companies are recognizing the potential of TikTok to strengthen their brand, reach a younger audience and distribute creative content. In this blog post, we look at why TikTok is becoming increasingly important for companies, how to use

A single negative comment or a thoughtless reaction on social platforms can quickly trigger a PR crisis. It is therefore essential for companies to establish effective crisis management on social media in order to protect their reputation and restore the

In today's highly competitive working world, employer branding is more important than ever. Companies must not only position themselves as attractive employers, but also convey authentic and compelling brand messages. Social media offers a unique platform to strengthen employer branding

In an increasingly networked world, recruitment is being revolutionized by social media. Social recruiting refers to the use of social media platforms to find, approach and recruit talent. This method enables companies to reach qualified candidates in an innovative and

In today's digital world, people's attention spans are shorter than ever. Content needs to be fast, accessible and understandable to captivate the audience. This is where subtitles (or “captions”) come into play. They are not just a nice extra, but

Das Jahr 2024 ist in vollem Gange, und die Social-Media-Landschaft entwickelt sich in rasantem Tempo weiter. Für Unternehmen ist es entscheidend, die neuesten Trends zu kennen und ihre Strategien entsprechend anzupassen, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.