Employer Branding
In today's highly competitive working world, employer branding is more important than ever. Companies must not only position themselves as attractive employers, but also convey authentic and compelling brand messages. Social media offers a unique platform to strengthen employer branding
Social Recruiting
In an increasingly networked world, recruitment is being revolutionized by social media. Social recruiting refers to the use of social media platforms to find, approach and recruit talent. This method enables companies to reach qualified candidates in an innovative and
Subtitles on social media
In today's digital world, people's attention spans are shorter than ever. Content needs to be fast, accessible and understandable to captivate the audience. This is where subtitles (or “captions”) come into play. They are not just a nice extra, but
Social Media Trends 2024
Das Jahr 2024 ist in vollem Gange, und die Social-Media-Landschaft entwickelt sich in rasantem Tempo weiter. Für Unternehmen ist es entscheidend, die neuesten Trends zu kennen und ihre Strategien entsprechend anzupassen, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.
Social Media Reportings
In the fast-moving world of online marketing and especially in the area of social media, it is a challenge to keep track of the measures implemented and their success. In order to offer our customers the best possible service, we